Thursday, December 10, 2009


Been long time never update my blog ady...i should say i have nth to the same thing everyday,it was juz like been fixed by someone...kinda sick of it~~

Well,BEC c/w 2moro will be the final coursework(I guesse)..i am excluding the FM assignment....den the fucking final will come soon...and as we finish our final...we have 2 months to enjoy it, as 3rd sem have no exam..full coursework...everyone of us wil definitely love it so much!! wuahahahaha...

Hmm, very tired lo 2day..purposely go college to attend 2 hours of FAP lecture...sei college..give mangali diu la....dunno how to arrange time properly de...oOo...den now summore have to study BEC which is very tough to me...haiz...I wonder why is my econ was so suck..i mean for the pervious 2 times, i get C+ got both of them..hopefully i can get better this least B...may GOD bless me...ALILUYA~~

Following part is for someone(ignore this if u r nt the one):
Ei, i never know that 4 words of mine make u stop ur blog for a month...sry for tat...I never though tat u will so aggresive on my nonsen...well, forget about it...i am sry about tat...anyway,take care..hope u will recover from ur illnes as soon as possible..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I slightly remember that at my age of 9,perhaps younger, I am fucking proud of MALAYSIA, I always think that MALAYSIA is the best country,whenever someone talk something bad of MALAYSIA, I always try to argue wit him/her. Just imagine the fat look of mine on tat period, and the way i fuck others, mix it together, is that funny? I mean A FATTY FUCKING OTHERS BECAUSE OF FUCKING MALAYSIA~~

Well, as i growth older, Malaysia getting worse in my mind.
As I began to read newspaper, I felt that Malaysia is rediculous.
As I talk about MALAYSIA, oOo will come out in my mind.
As I think about MALAYSIA, Migrate is appear in my mind.

Well, in my point of view, the worst thing of Malaysia is the fucking government. First of all, juz imagine that the government is willing to pay rm500 for juz a fucking SCREW, and the quantity is about 2000, multiply it, total amount is more or less of rm1,000,000.. DAMN IT!! The money initially from us---- the citizens, we paid tax for every year for our benefits, but the government doesnt not spend it wisely, and yet most of our money was keep inside thier fucking pocket, and this is the reason why politicians will never be poor, and this is the good statement for them, RICH BECOME RICHER AND POOR BECOME POORER!! lanjiau!!

The second thing, is about the fucking traffic in MALAYSIA, actually i am wondering why the traffic of MALAYSIA can be so "GOOD"... I think most of us had tried before, a normal journey about 20 min can sometimes turn to about 1 hour or even worse!! The highway i used everyday to TAR College, which is FADERAL Highway, I am totally fed-up on that fucking highway, is actually a straight highway, no traffic light, no accident, no road block, nothing at all, and the highway can be jam for hour, sometimes even to 2 hours, can u imagine that?Maybe it was cause by ppl..sometimes they used to kepoh when something happened on the road... Actually I have intention to conduct an interview on the traffic of Malaysia, but i was juz too lazy on it, so the idea was actually give up!! Hmm, u all know the accident rate of MALAYSIA was actually very front in the World ranking? compare to other asian country, such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand...Malaysia has the most traffic light, and yet Malaysia can lead in the accident rate!! Totally MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!

Is actually lot more for Malaysia, but i am kinda sick of it, and i gotta stop here!!

Obviously, this post is to criticism Malaysia, and I am here to apologise to those who are supporting Malaysia, is actually my point of view... And pls, do not report to police, i Don't wan get into the fucking prison!! thx

Friday, November 13, 2009


Boring life~~Nth special to upload for the previous week, my blog seem to be ignored by everyone..anyway,juz forget about it...

Yesterday during lecture, our BELOVED lecturer--Ms.Chin ask our gang's na pet to act sohai..and here is the sohai video of the na pet~~

haha...this is the only part of it...and the more funny part...guesse wat?haha...come, look at the picture below...

see?compare herself wit Angelina...OMG,big different...she really gt mentally problem de lo...look so old but keep mentioned that she is only 21 years old....ooOoo.....sommore said that she want to marry Tom Cruise, 8 liong gam suitable her la....beside Tom Cruise...haha~~~

ANyway, hope that Ms.Chin wont view my blog...or i will die 99...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sohai FAP, dunno wat is about FAP!! TOTALLY CONFUSE!!

Well, FAP mess up my mind!!! COuldn't affort it anymore!! tomorrow is the coursework!! I wonder how bad will I get!! DAMN IT!!


Any1 disagree wit me juz ignore this POST!!


New Scandals

New scandals in our group!! Is actually a very good news... They used to play together, eat together, sit together, DO together, work together, and now................................................................................................................ THEY SLEEP TOGETHER!!!! OMG!!! It was juz too sudden for everyone of us, yet they do not care how we look at them!!! HAHAH!! Cute boy Teh and JACKSON.....YES, is TEH and JAckson.

Don't believe? HERE are the proves

LOOK AT THE PIC!! DON'T be shock!!!
See the way they sleep? Perhaps it was too far!! But nvm, here is another closer pic!!




Nice? And I here to congratulate cute boy teh forno longer single and available!! Congratulation to JACKSON for successfully searched another part which suitable for HIM!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hmm, 30 of OCT, is actually my ex’s birthday!! So, as usual, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ee Won, hope u will getting happier in ur future life and may ur wish come true!!

Well, back to last year, I was still her boyfren, but there was some problems occur between us!! My personality and behavior is the biggest problem between both of us. Hmm, I believe that everyone will have the same view to me-----childish!! Yes, even until now, I am still childish, a very very big kid!! I wonder why I have no any improvement after a year. I am still me, Donovan with childish mind, talk without using the brain, and the worst, hot temper!!

I clearly understand my weakness, but I juz dunno how should I change myself… I used to be this kind or person for 19 years and I wish to change. How come I change mylsef?

Can anyone guide me?

Any insult or opinion is welcomed!!

Thank you!!


Fuck it!! What’s wrong with my computer? Or is actually the FUCKING MAXIS problem? My connection was slow these 2 days, and the worst part was I can’t access to internet!! Sei sohai, can’t do anything without internet!! FUCK IT MAN!!

Well, been boring for this few days, no entertainment, no joke, no fun!!! Been quite a period didn’t update my blog, I mean I have nth special to post!! My life was usual, went to college, attend lecture and tutorial, go back, sleep, eat!! Begin to be frustrated on this kind of fucking life!! I wonder when will I graduate and change new environment.

Time was flying so fast, it is now end of forth week, and our tough life is coming soon, I mean assignment and coursework as well. Well, our group discuss portion of audit assignment yesterday, working quite well. Perhaps I was thinking too much, I don’t know why I feel like I have communication barrier between zhu hui, peijin, Jackson and teh. Jun butt is ok, because he used to be quiet!! Actually I feel like not part of the group, maybe my personality!! I don’t know, maybe u guys can give some opinion to me…Am I so difficult to mix with perhaps my personality problem? Tell me so that I could change.. Thank you!!

Teh , Jackson, zhu hui and peijin didn’t view my blog, so for those who view my blog and study in the same group wit me, pls do not let them know!! I have no intention to create trouble, I am juz trying to express my feeling through blog!! teh,Jackson,zhu hui and peijin, if anyone of u all view this post, pls do not angry, I juz not dare to speak in front of u all regarding this problem!! Here is my apologise to u all for in case!! Is late now..Bed time!! Sweet dream everyone!!

P/S: once again I mention, I have no intention to create trouble!! Sry if causing u all gt any hard feeling